Experiencing the world means understanding the world
Every year we organise excursions to different towns and cities and their university locations in Germany and abroad. The destinations vary from year to year, so that in the course of their time at school, our classes can get to know many universities and many countries. The trips to German university towns are of particular interest to our international pupils and can help them to decide where they will take up their studies after passing their Abitur. Trips of this kind have already taken us to:
German university towns:
- Berlin
- Munich
- Augsburg
- Jena
- Weimar
- Erfurt
- Heidelberg
University towns abroad:
- Salzburg / Austria
- Innsbruck / Austria
- London / England
- Edinburgh / Scotland
- Nice / France
- Lyon / France
- Moscow / Russia
Further details on study trips and excursions for all our pupils can be found under the menu item School Profile/ “Learning culture”